People Steve Ketteley

Steve Ketteley


Steve is a highly-regarded regulatory adviser to the global gambling industry. He is trusted by many of the industry’s leading operators and suppliers to help them navigate the challenges they face.

“It’s remarkable how much the gambling industry has been through since I began advising in this sector more than 15 years ago, and how much my role has changed as a result. Today, much of my time is spent acting as a sounding board, providing a quick, effective assessment of the relevant risks for clients as they make some of their most difficult decisions. I advise operators on their interactions with regulators, be that in compliance or enforcement cases. I help industry participants construct and manage jurisdictional risk. I guide stakeholders in assessing and mitigating risk, generally, that attaches to their participation in the gambling space.

The most rewarding aspect of my role is being trusted by many of the leading decision-makers in the industry. A client recently commented they would turn to me when “I want to really press something in a new area with a lot of uncertainty”.”

Stephen Ketteley has vast experience in regulatory matters both in the UK and elsewhere, and there is no-one better to guide clients through the regulatory minefield.

Legal 500, 2023