Press Releases Incopro expands international law firm network

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Incopro, a market-leading online rights monitoring and protection service founded by Wiggin Partner Simon Baggs and Bret Boivin, has expanded its international legal network to promote knowledge-sharing and co-operation between member firms, and to provide further expert legal advice and enforcement resources to clients. The four new members extend the Incopro alliance to Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden, and join UK- and Brussels-based Wiggin LLP and US-based Jenner & Block. Incopro’s technology targets action at the major threats facing intellectual property owners online, and covers IP infringements across web marketplaces, websites, domain names, app stores, social media and advertising. By working with a network of specialist law firms, each one a leader in online IP protection in their own jurisdiction, clients can take direct action on the ground and in multiple territories if necessary. Simon Baggs, Incopro Managing Director, said, “We’re delighted to welcome Boehmert & Boehmert, Lenz Caemmerer, MAQS Sweden and MSP-LAW to Incopro’s legal network. The continued growth of the legal network creates a virtuous circle for all involved, and signals the emergence of an important new resource for IP owners.” All participating firms benefit from access to Incopro’s information systems, referral work prospects, knowledge sharing with other network partners and latest industry news updates.