Insights Ofcom publishes Spectrum Roadmap and invites feedback

Ofcom has published its first Spectrum Roadmap, which sets out how the regulator is preparing to ensure that everyone in the UK can benefit from the rapid advances in cutting-edge wireless technology.

Ofcom explains that radio spectrum is a finite and important resource of invisible waves that needs to be carefully managed so it can continue to deliver the wireless services we all need. As new services emerge, demand for spectrum is growing. As a result, Ofcom says that it is taking a strategic approach to ensure that these innovative new technologies can be embraced alongside existing services.

The Roadmap highlights the work areas that Ofcom will focus on to ensure it delivers on its Spectrum Management strategy, which it set out in July 2021. It also explains how spectrum is used today and highlights some of the key market and technological trends Ofcom has considered in developing its future programme of work.

The proposed future areas of work are grouped into three themes, covering:

  1. network evolution and convergence;
  2. accelerating innovation and spectrum sharing; and
  3. better data for improved spectrum management.

Ofcom is inviting feedback on its Roadmap by 20 May 2022. For further information and to access the consultation, click here. To view Ofcom’s latest annual plan page, updated on 25 March 2022, click here.