Insights BPI reports that UK recorded music revenues continued recovery in 2021


The BPI has reported that UK recorded music revenue rose by 12.8% in 2021 to reach £1.262 billion.

The BPI says that this marked the sector’s seventh consecutive year of revenue growth, led by streaming. However, when adjusted for inflation, revenue in 2021 was £368 million below the 2006 CPI-adjusted figure of £1.63 billion, while using RPI the 2006 figure would have been £1.795 billion, which is £534 million higher than the 2021 total.

Revenue from streaming again fuelled much of the rise, up 13.7% to £837.2 million, with physical formats on CD and vinyl growing at a faster rate also contributing, up by 14.6% to £241 million.

These figures coincided with an increase in the number of indie record shops, recently reported by the Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA), which grew from 390 in 2020 to 407 in 2021. For further information, click here.
