Insights Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) publishes its final report on regulatory treatment for fixed and mobile backhaul


BEREC explains that backhaul is an essential element supporting fixed and mobile electronic communication services in the retail market. However, not every service provider, mobile or fixed, active in the electronic communications market has its own complete backhaul network and some have to source inputs from third parties to meet their backhaul network requirements.

During the research phase, a total of 35 National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), 60 operators and two operators’ associations in Europe replied to BEREC questionnaires on this topic. Most NRAs regulating backhaul considered both traditional leased lines and ethernet services as regulated active wholesale products. Access to passive infrastructure, such as ducts and poles, was also considered obligatory by most NRAs handling inputs for backhaul. Both the NRAs and operators considered backhaul as very important.

Following publication of its draft report in October 2021, BEREC has now published its final report. BEREC says that the objectives of the report are to present the legal provisions applicable to mobile and fixed backhaul, the regulation in force and the use of different types of backhaul networks and services in Europe. The report also contains the views expressed by operators on their current and future needs for backhaul. To access the final report, click here.