Insights Ofcom publishes decisions relating to the BBC’s commercial and commissioning activities

Ofcom has published two decisions relating to the BBC’s commercial and commissioning activities.

One of Ofcom’s principal functions in regulating the BBC is to set requirements around the interaction between the BBC public service and its commercial activities, to help preserve fair and effective competition. Having reviewed how the commercial and trading requirements that Ofcom imposed in 2017 are working in practice, Ofcom’s statement sets out its decision, following consultation, to make some modifications and clarifications. These include imposing new transparency and reporting obligations on the BBC.

The BBC also has requirements to increase the amount of programmes it commissions following a contestable process between producers on fair and reasonable terms, as set out in the Charter and Agreement. The BBC has voluntarily agreed to submit additional information to Ofcom regarding its commissioning activity so that the regulator can assess its compliance in greater detail. Ofcom is not, therefore, imposing any additional requirements on the BBC at this time. Ofcom’s second statement sets out its decisions in full. To access the first statement, click here. To access the second statement, click here.