Insights Competition and Markets Authority publishes fourth quarterly reports 2022 on implementation of Google’s Privacy Sandbox commitments

On 31 January 2023, the CMA published its latest update report on the implementation of Google’s Privacy Sandbox commitments, accepted by the CMA in February 2022. The report sets out the progress made to date and highlights areas of focus where potential concerns have been raised, including through feedback from the wider industry.

The report incorporates the findings from the Monitoring Trustee’s Q4 report and includes several specific questions where the CMA says that it would most value input from interested third parties. Responses should be sent to

The CMA has also published Google’s Q4 report on its compliance with the binding commitments accepted by the CMA. The report covers the period from 1 October 2022 to 31 December 2022.

Under the commitments, Google is required to report on the progress of the Privacy Sandbox proposals, updated timing expectations, its interactions with the CMA and third parties, including on the testing of proposals, as well as the approach taken to address concerns raised. The CMA has published the full report to inform third parties of developments on the Privacy Sandbox and progress in implementing the commitments. The commitments put in place a framework within which Google will develop and test the Privacy Sandbox proposals.

The Information Commissioner’s Office has also been closely involved in the development process of Google’s Privacy Sandbox, given that the aim is to ensure that both competition and privacy are protected. To access the reports, click here.